Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Raul Orlando Alvarado Lara and Francisco-Javier Rangel Butanda from the University of Guanajuato in Mexico did a 4-month master internship in Rennes. It was granted by Conacyt and their work was about visual servoing and 3D localization respectively.

  • Ivan Markovic, Ph.D. student at the University of Zagreb, spent a three-month visit in Rennes in the scope of the FP7 Regpot Across project (see Section and  6.3.6 ).

  • Eduardo Moral-Fernandez, Ph.D. student at the Universidad de Malaga, Spain, visited our group in Sophia Antipolis from March to December 2013. He worked on dense SLAM using omnidirectional RGB-D sensors.

Visits to International Teams

  • Manikandan Bakthavatchalam spent a three-month visit at ISR in Coimbra, Portugal, for collaborating with Omar Tahri about visual servoing based on photometric moments (see Section  6.2.1 ).

  • Rafiq Sekkal spent a two-month visit at UPC in Barcelona, Spain, to collaborate with Ferran Marques on contour-based spatio-temporal segmentation (see Section  6.1.6 ).

  • Pierre Chatelain spent a four-month visit in Nassir Navab'slab at TUM, Germany, in the scope of his Ph.D.